Migratory Movements
Migratory Marine Species Endangered.
Improve knowledge on the migratory movements of endangered marine species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, as well as interactions with small scale coastal fisheries.
Costa Rica Marine Management and Conservation Plan.
A research expedition will be held to Cocos Island National Park, as well as one expedition to visit Las Gemelas and West Cocos Seamounts in December 2022. Deep acoustic receivers will be deployed at the summits of these seamounts (180m) to track the movements of tagged sharks, turtles, and rays, using a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV).
4 Sea turtle nesting beaches will be monitored throughout the nesting season in collaboration with coastal communities. Special attention will focus on Corozalito Beach, a nascent arribada nesting beach, where up to 20,000 sea turtles may synchronously nest along this 1.5 km long beach.