Tiger Shark Cam
Through the eyes of a tiger shark.
Historically shark behaviour has only been observed for a brief moment as the shark swims by SCUBA divers. Even during these brief encounters, sharks may alter their natural behaviour around people.
Cutting-edge technology.
In 2019, Pelagios Kakunjá in collaboration with Fins Attached and Ocean Blue Tree, successfully deployed an acoustic tag and a CATS-cam to a 3.5 m female tiger shark at Cocos Island, Costa Rica. The CATS-cam is a point of view camera that simultaneously records depth, temperature and acceleration. After 24 - 72 hours the camera is released and retrieved using a satellite locator. The video data provides a unique opportunity to understand how these sharks interact with each other and their prey. Pelagios Kakunjá will deploy a further five CATS-cams on tiger sharks in Cocos Island.